I have been fascinated with the various Hoya species for 50 years. I remember my first Hoya when I was very young, maybe 6 years old, and living in coastal North Carolina. My grandmother had one of these plants and she grew it in the large window in her kitchen. She did not know what kind of plant it was until I told her what it was when I discovered the name Hoya as a high schooler, living in Texas at the time. She loved the plant and kept it alive and flowering for as long as I can remember... although she did trim it often to keep it under control which is something you would NEVER do to your Hoya today!!!
And oh, those beautiful white/pink flowers twice a year were cool, too... forming even though she would prune it.
I purchased my first Hoya when I was a young teenager. I was living in Killeen, Texas... or rather, on the Fort Hood Base Housing. I saw it in a nursery one day and had to have it. It was about a 6 inch plant in a small pot, but I had to have it.
And now, today... I still have that plant... 45 years later, I still have that Hoya Pubicalyx right here in my home! Check out these new pictures!
I will talk about other particular Hoya plants in another post at another time. This post is about the plant in these pictures. This Hoya Pubicalyx is the original mother plant for several other elderly Hoya Pubicalyx I have rooted... starting from when I was an older teen and still in Texas.
I keep this Hoya right here in my writing space. Behind a thin, sheer curtain is where this plant loves to be... and as you can see, it still thrives!
If you want a LONG LIVED plant companion that you will get to know, over the years, almost as a pet... this is the Hoya you should bug your local plant nursery to sell. You will not be disappointed... if you keep it inside and learn proper Hoya care!
Enjoy your Hoya...
If you want a LONG LIVED plant companion that you will get to know, over the years, almost as a pet... this is the Hoya you should bug your local plant nursery to sell. You will not be disappointed... if you keep it inside and learn proper Hoya care!
Enjoy your Hoya...